Tinker Research
Well, the name tinker actually originated from "tin-worker" and was normally associated with the creation of horseshoes.
In the expanded concept of being the "Blacksmith" or "Panday", there's a lot of interesting information to be found.
Blacksmithing is not all pounding iron, it is design, layout, cutting, drilling, joining, finishing, tempering, welding, brazing, tool making. . . Blacksmithing is almost ALL the metal working trades all combined.
The blacksmith is one of the few craftsfolk than, can, do and are often required to make their own tools. Blacksmiths make their own tools because eventually every smith finds that his particular product or style of working requires his tools to be more specialized.
Heh. There's knowledge of metal, knowledge of heating & cooling metal, telling temperature by the color of the metal, knowing if something was wrought or was forged...
The Tools of the Tinker
# Hammer - A standard blacksmith's cross peen hammer.
# Anvil - A blacksmith's anvil is usually their first expensive tool.
# Forge - The forge may actually be the blacksmith's most important tool but because there are so many ways to make them they are not difficult to obtain. Because of this they are also the most variable piece of blacksmithing equipment. Fuel can be charcoal, bituminous coal, oil or gas. Forges can be of elaborate construction or built from junk. DO NOT get stuck on some idealistic 19th century vision of a forge.
# Vise - Almost as important as the anvil and the MOST used tool in ANY shop. For pounding on, a blacksmiths leg (post or "solid box") vise is necessary. The bigger the better but any size will do. For smithing the vise needs to be sturdily anchored to a heavy bench, a bench anchored to the wall or a post set in the ground.
# Tongs - Can be purchased but I recommend you make a few pair for the experience. Did you know that Vise-Grips were invented by a blacksmith trying to make better blacksmith's tongs? NOTE: Vise-Grips actually make lousy tongs except for very small work OR odd billets and should only be used until you make a couple of pairs or REAL tongs. Real tongs don't require tongs to make, except perhaps installing the rivet if you heat it in the forge.