The Wick Strikes Again!
I happened upon this on the
RPGnet forums. Lo and behold it was by my boy, John Wick ranting about the Marvel Universe RPG:
The New Marvel RPG is ARSe
Okay, I just got it. I honestly don't know how ARSe it is, but it is pretty ARS.
(For those of you who don't know, the task resolution system is called the Action Resolution System. Otherwise known as "ARS." And you'd think -- you'd think -- that someone up at WotC would say, "Um... boys, do we really want to call our new game "arse?")
However, I open to page 7 and read this quote:
"You are about to play a new form of roleplaying game. It has no dice. It has no odds or percentages. There are only two charts. There is no board."
New, huh?
Uh. No. Not new. Not unique. Not innovative.
I still have a lot of pages to go, but this isn't a good start.
And the reason I bought it was because I really liked the stones idea. Of course, Scott Knipe's WYRD did it first... and may do it better. Not sure. I'll find out soon.
Of course, later on he did apologize about wrongly accusing WOTC about this, because WOTC had nothing to do with the MURPG. In general though, many folks commented on the fact that it did reflect Marvel's tendency towards inaccurately hyping their products.
I eagerly await a more detailed commentary on the MURPG workings by John Wick. Ah, the price of brilliance...
Wolvie & His Skeleton
Tangentially-related to the MURPG: Wolverine has an adamantium skeleton right?
Er, no. Early on someone said things like:
If his skeleton's adamantium, how does his bone marrow create new blood cells?
If his skeleton's adamantium, why aren't his teeth the same color as his claws?
And so it became an adamantium-laced skeleton.
And, now back to your regularly scheduled blog programming.