It irks me when I hear wrongly sung lyrics, primarily because it derails my remembered enjoyment of the song I'm listening to. However, I often have to double-check myself because I'm guilty of the same thing!
For example, for the longest time I thought Boz Scaggs' "We're All Alone" had the following lyric: Close the window, come alive. Alas, the true lyric is: Close the window, calm the light.
I'm not alone... other versions of the same misheard line include: Close the window, come alight. Close the window, Carmelite. Close the window, come and lie.
Looking for a great collection of these misheard lyrics? Go here.
Here's a sample:
Heart's, "All I Wanna Do (Is Make Love To You)"
Misheard Lyrics:
All I wanna do is fake love to you
All I wanna do is tape bugs to you
All I wanna do is fake Fudd's 'yoohoo'
All I wanna do is take clubs to you
All I wanna view is clay stuck to you
All I wanna chew is snake gloves for you.
Correct Lyrics:
All I wanna do is make love to you.
I am a fan of Sherlock Holmes, of course. That's why this interesting "alternate universe" take on the story was immensely entertaining. The little twist at the end answered a nagging issue set up by the short "advertisements" at the beginning of each chapter of the short story.
Rather than spoil the story for those who've not read the story... I'll put the rest of my blog in light blue:
The story clearly establishes that in this dark world where the Old Ones have taken over, the terrible villains of literature are successfuly businessmen or even celebrities... but then, what are Sherlock Holmes (the heroic consulting detective) and his stalwart companion Watson doing in the employ of the terrible Queen? It was something that greatly puzzled me and annoyed me...
The twist is that it is not Sherlock Holmes who is the consulting detective. Nor is Watson the scribe of the story. Instead, James Moriarty and one of his right-hand men, Colonel (Major in the story) Sebastian Moran, who are the heroes of this grim little tale.
These days, even American and European gamers are outsourcing drudge work to China, Russia and elsewhere.'Multiplayer online gamers have long cut corners by paying real cash for in-game goods that would take them hours of playing to earn, while others have padded their offline budgets by selling excess game goods or even their characters when they stop playing.
'But now, the reality of exchange rates and international income gaps has spawned a virtual version of the real-world relationship between rich and poor countries. While players in wealthier countries casually drop hundreds of dollars to buy their way into better positions in the games -- or out of tedious parts of the games -- some workers in poorer countries are playing around the clock to produce virtual goods that earn them real money.'
How funny, so now there's a 3rd World-based black market for game items and characters? It gives an interesting twist to those who've long longed for being able to game for a living.