RPGs and Combat Resolution
It's been mentioned that there are 3 main steps to resolving physical combat:
1) determine a successful hit.
2) determine penetration of armor or skin.
3) determine extent of internal damage.

There are various ways of resolving this.

D&D has always used an abstract armor class system. In it, steps 1 and 2 are combined. You roll the dice to hit the armor class. If you failed, it means that either you missed completely, or your attack bounced off the armor. If you succeed, then you get to roll damage. TOTAL Resolution Rolls: 2.

White Wolf stuff requires a roll to determine a successful hit and a roll for damage. The defender can opt to roll a dodge. If it fails, the defender also has to also roll the damage that armor would absorb, plus the amount of damage he can soak if any. TOTAL Resolution Rolls: 3 to 5.

Kult resolves everything in one roll - success in hitting, armor penetration, and effect of damage. The only other roll might be if the defender decides to block or dodge. TOTAL Resolution Rolls: 1 to 2.

HERO combines steps 2 and 3 instead. After a successful to-hit roll, the damage is rolled and applied to armor and to the target. Only defensive manuevers I know requiring rolls would be Dive for Cover and Block. TOTAL Resolution Rolls: 2 to 3.

Why am I counting? I'm working on Hinirang RPG again, and I've been trying to see the cleanest way to handle a one-roll resolution of combat.

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