Misheard Lyrics

It irks me when I hear wrongly sung lyrics, primarily because it derails my remembered enjoyment of the song I'm listening to. However, I often have to double-check myself because I'm guilty of the same thing!

For example, for the longest time I thought Boz Scaggs' "We're All Alone" had the following lyric: Close the window, come alive. Alas, the true lyric is: Close the window, calm the light.

I'm not alone... other versions of the same misheard line include: Close the window, come alight. Close the window, Carmelite. Close the window, come and lie.

Looking for a great collection of these misheard lyrics? Go here.

Here's a sample:

Heart's, "All I Wanna Do (Is Make Love To You)"
Misheard Lyrics:
All I wanna do is fake love to you
All I wanna do is tape bugs to you
All I wanna do is fake Fudd's 'yoohoo'
All I wanna do is take clubs to you
All I wanna view is clay stuck to you
All I wanna chew is snake gloves for you.
Correct Lyrics:
All I wanna do is make love to you.

1 comment:

Trent Riley said...

I enjoyed reading your blog thanks.