Back in High School & College, I used to have an alarm clock radio. This used to be very important to me, because it would wake me up with the news and the latest music tracks (depending on which radio station I'd chosen to leave it on before I went to sleep).

I'd usually set it to one of those rock & roll radio stations. No sense waking up to something that was gonna put me to sleep. Plus, the DJ's often had some wild & wacky stuff to talk about in the morning. It got my mind humming and the mental gears turning before I was fully awake. On days that it was VERY important to get up on time, I'd set the dial to one of the Spanish radio stations. There's nothing like hearing Mexican "Banda" blaring at 6AM in the morning to wake you up in a very panicked state.

*blaring song* "Me gusta jugar al futbol!"
*wide awake* "What the- ?"

Nowadays I don't listen to music all that much. Is bad. Is very bad. Despite the annoyance of a last song syndrome, I miss being able to hear the nuances of music, and being able to identify orchestral hits or strings mixed in with percussion, etc...

Add to Shopping List: Alarm Clock Radio. Hopefully one that plays CDs too.

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