Here's a snippet of a review from The Fourth Rail. It's Don MacPherson's review of CHRISTA SHERMOT'S 100% GUARANTEED HOW-TO MANUAL FOR GETTING ANYONE TO READ COMIC BOOKS!!!

Comic-book fan Christa Shermot is sick and tired of comics being snubbed by non-comics readers, and she's got some strong opinions to share with them. She's even tailor-made arguments for different segments of the public. She's got rants ready for: (1) young girls who have never read a comic in their lives, (2) young guys who think they're too cool for comics, (3) old guys who feel they've outgrown comics, (4) and adult women who are completely unfamiliar with the medium. And to show off the versatility of the medium, Christa and her sister Elisa share from scenes from their own comic book, Fade from Blue.

Vin, will you have it in stock?

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