New Browser
I've tried out the new Mozilla Firebird browser, and it's pretty cool. Just a download, no installation necessary after unzipping the file. I like the "tab" functionality and the Alt-D shortcut works fine...

Software Development and Craftsmanship article
Here's an excerpt from and article found on the Joel On Software website:

Making software is not a manufacturing process. In the 1980s everyone was running around terrified that Japanese software companies were setting up "software factories" that could churn out high quality code on an assembly line. It didn't make any sense then and it doesn't make sense now. Shoving a lot of programmers into a room and lining them up in neat rows did not really help get the bug counts down.

If writing code is not assembly-line style production, what is it? Some have proposed the label craftsmanship. That's not quite right, either, because I don't care what you say: that dialog box in Windows that asks you how you want your help file indexed does not in any way, shape, or form resemble what any normal English speaker would refer to as "craftsmanship."

Writing code is not production, it's not always craftsmanship (though it can be), it's design. Design is that nebulous area where you can add value faster than you add cost...

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