New Year Old Year reflections
2003 was a year of change and challenges. Nowhere moreso in my professional life than in the changes of structure and personnel in the company I work for. We started last year with a strong push, but it wasn't sustained for a number of internal and external reasons and so we experienced major personnel churn and departures.

It's not the same anymore... but I keep in touch a with some and run into the others from time to time. And it's good to see them. I wish them all the best and hope to see even great things from them this year.

As for me, I've got a lot on my plate and hafta get to it.

ARNIS friends
Our little group has grown from Kate and Vlad to a larger crew. We regularly see the GOO, KnightJinx and Pointyman2000. Last week there were three more!

Perhaps then they should check out the following sites:
Modern Arnis website 1
Modern Arnis website 2

We study Modern Arnis, which was pioneered and taught by Grandmaster Remy Presas... Modern Arnis apparently was strongly influenced by the Balintawak style of Arnis (a very deadly one-on-one style of Arnis), since it was the parent style of Grandmaster Remy. It's cool to see everyone practicing it...

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